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Collage of American Pathologistss (CAP) GH2 Survey Data

ADA. (2011). Collage of American Pathologistss (CAP) GH2 Survey Data . . . 4

Feasibility of Centralized Mearurements of Glycated Hemoglobin in the Diebetes Control and Complications Trial

Goldstein , D et al. (1999). Feasibility of Centralized Mearurements of Glycated Hemoglobin in the Diebetes Control and Complications Trial. Clinical hesmistry. 3. 10

Goldstein , D et al
TRanslating the A1C Assay Estimated Average Glucose Values

Nathan, D et al. (2008). TRanslating the A1C Assay Estimated Average Glucose Values. Diabetes Care . 31. 6

Nathan, D et al
Standarizacion de la medicion de la Hemoglobina Glicosilada A1c

Quik S.A.S. (2012). Standarizacion de la medicion de la Hemoglobina Glicosilada A1c. . . 41

Quik S.A.S
Alcanzando la Meta

Fragozo, A. (2012). Alcanzando la Meta . . . 15

Fragozo, A
Decreto 1571 de 1993

Ministerio de la Protección Social. (2007). Decreto 1571 de 1993. INS. . 41

Ministerio de la Protección Social
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